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Types of automobile insurance offer specific coverage for clients

A lot of car owners these days find automobile insurance a mystery. The only thing they know is that they will be given a financial bolster if their car is damaged or when they are the one responsible for a particular car accident.

Of course, no one expects typical car owners to bring a supplementary list with their cars just to know the angles and dangles of a certain automobile insurance.

Moreover, it is expected that not all automobile insurance companies have given their clienteles a complete and supplementary orientation regarding the terms and the numerous terms in an automobile insurance. That is why this write up will be able to give more in-depth information about an automobile insurance.

Automobile insurance is a type of insurance that drivers and car owners with cars, trucks, motorcycles and other auto vehicles. The insurance offers safeguard for car owners who have lost money due to an involvement in traffic accidents.

Also, the automobile insurance also gives a financial cushion for a person who has a liability that could be imposed if he or she is responsible for the damages and loses of the victim in a particular vehicular accident. Most of the drivers know this basic information since this is the usual thing that automobile insurance companies tell their clienteles. However, they are still not aware of the types of coverage that a certain automobile insurance offers.

As aforementioned, there are different types of coverage that an automobile insurance offers and there are six of them. Each type is given to give car owners a choice of financial cushion for particular unfortunate events that involve their car and their health as well.

One type is the Bodily Injury Liability. Its coverage includes coverage for the injuries incurred during a car accident. It is applicable to the driver or the policyholders that have caused the damage.

Another type is the Collision coverage. It covers the costs of repairs and replacements for the driver or the policyholder’s damaged vehicle. However, this type of automobile insurance reduces the premiums in the insurance caused by deductibles. These deductibles range from around $100 to $1000. They are paid prior to the payment that the insurance company makes to the driver for the remainder of the coverage.

Medical payments or MedPay is another type of automobile insurance. It covers the medical bills of the drivers and his or passengers due to a vehicular accident. Another type is the Comprehensive coverage. It covers the losses or damages caused by natural disasters, theft, and other unexpected instances out of the policyholder’s control.

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